Seed Management Made Easy

Effortlessly Manage All Seed Addresses

women smiling while using her laptop

Effortless Integration

Easily link seeds to the desired list, list type, or campaign for monitoring and track the volume and types of offers sent to your seeds.

Contract Enforcement

Protect your lists from unauthorized use, enforce exclusivity agreements, and ensure full legal compliance with ease.

Content, Volume & Frequency Monitoring

Keep track of list messages and set alerts for seeds that exceed your specified message threshold. Gain clear insights into offers sent by partners.

Detailed Reporting

Enforce your rules seamlessly with our intuitive interface and exceptional Client Services team. No complex integration needed.

Optimize Your Lists

increasing linear bar graph with currency

Cost-Effective Solution

Save both time and money with our efficient seed-management system

shield with checkmark

Enhanced List Protection

Safeguard your lists and ensure partner accountability with robust enforcement tools

computer showcasing a simple piechart and bar graph

Boosted Performance

Track metrics and effortlessly analyze list performance for continuous improvement

A unique, time-tested solution that addresses a critical need for advertisers, agencies and networks.

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