Our Database of Over 200 Million Real-World Emails… At Your Disposal

Social care

Affiliate Monitoring

Monitor and get alerted on potential compliance and branding issues in affiliate-sent emails for quick remediation.

Analytical search

Competitive Intelligence

Dive into competitor email metrics, uncover affiliate information, analyze content, subject lines, images, and more.

protection sheild

Brand Protection

Discover previously unknown placements of your products and brand name in the email channel and ensure proper branding protocols are followed.

Discover more with LashBack


ComplianceMonitor provides unique visibility into the actions of email partners and enables businesses to better manage risk, ensure good business practices, and hold partners accountable.

  • Real-Time Affiliate Monitoring and Alerting
  • Live Analyst Review
  • Campaign-Based Rule Sets and Custom Reporting

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compliance-monitor-dashboard with man crossing his arms
man smiling with tablet - LashBack ComplianceMonitor makes people happy


ComplianceMonitor provides unique visibility into the actions of email partners and enables businesses to better manage risk, ensure good business practices, and hold partners accountable.

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Woman smiling, LashBack client dashboard on screen in background


BrandAlert® provides the ability to search more than 200 million recent messages for actionable insights ranging from the misuse of your brand to the inboxing of your competitors.

  • Easy-to-Use, Customizable Search Criteria
  • Actionable Insights for Marketing and Biz Dev
  • Full View of Emails and Content

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ListMonitor provides a single, easy-to-use interface to manage seeds with the ability to sort, search, filter, categorize, create alerts, and export data.

  • Single Interface, Easy-to-Use Seed-Management
  • Monitor Content, Volume, and Frequency
  • Ensure No Unauthorized Distribution or Use of Lists

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man with glasses smiling, lashback list monitor on screen in background
man with glasses smiling, lashback list monitor on screen in background


Managing seed messages is critical, but time-consuming. ListMonitor provides a single, easy-to-use interface to manage seeds with the ability to sort, search, filter, categorize, create alerts, and export data.

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LashBack is trusted by companies of all sizes, in every industry.

A unique, time-tested solution that addresses a critical need for advertisers, agencies and networks.

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Business Woman